Whats your story of a friend/family member joining a cult or MLM/pyramid scheme?

So my mum got into Scientology when I was about 11 and was paying to do courses. It was in Birmingham and required a train to get there. Now I had started to develop social anxiety at the time which was played off as oh he's just shy. But magically they had a course for shy children there so she brought me along one day.

The creepy smiling of one of the ladies there is one of the things I noticed most. They took me into this mock classroom and was just me and this Crazy lady, she explained to me that I had to read, understand and then do a test in order to show I had passed.

I read through it but it didn't make much sense, I don't remember the details of the "course" which took 15-20 mins but after I asked "I don't understand how it is suppose to be helpful" she went from her crazy smile to shouting at me saying "You will understand and fill it in, your mother has paid for this course".

(some quotations may be a bit off as that was 20+ years ago)

Thankfully my mum didn't fall for the sunk cost fallacy for too long and I told her what happened. I hate to think how much she had spent on that crap even only going 4 or 5 times as we were in a council house and struggling for cash.

Scientology is a nasty, disgusting, money grubbing religion.

/r/unitedkingdom Thread