What's your strangest/most unexpected coming out experience?

Dude, where is everyone's stories?



I'll put mine here but I'm not sure if it actually fits. It was pretty unexpected for me. I came out to my three best friends when I was like 19 or 20. A year later I met my current boyfriend. Those three guys were practically my only friends so I never really actually had to come out again, it was a one and done deal. So I went on with my life as normal. Then one of them moved into a house with a bunch of other dudes. I spent every weekend there hanging out with my friend just chatting and drinking, and pretty much every weekend everyone had friends over and we would sit around socializing.

One night when they were throwing a party, one of his roommates came up to me and started talking about random drunken shit. Out of nowhere he asks me "hey /u/clearlyclearlyclearl, where's your boyfriend?" All I could say was, "I had no idea you guys even knew about that part of me..."

I was pretty shocked. Although I never explicitly told my friends they couldn't out me, I guess my best friend outed me to the entire house at some point a few weeks prior. And since I always came over to escape from my personal shit, including the fact I was gay, I never even really thought about coming out to them because we were acquaintances at best. So eventually I brought my boyfriend over and they were all really cool with him. After that night I definitely passed the threshold from being a friend of a friend to being an actual friend with all of them. Eventually I got the courage to come out to my parents. Now that I think about it, I really owe them all a huge thanks, because it was that moment where I realized that I could be both gay and a normal human being with a normal group of friends, and that everything would be ok and that people would love me if I just let them in the first place

/r/askgaybros Thread