What's your "that's when the bully left me alone" story?

When I was in primary school, there was this kid a year older than me who would pick on anybody and everybody as long as they were smaller than him (By a lot)

Now this guy was damn near 3x my size and decided I would be his latest victim. I put up with it for a few days because, well, what to do? Anyway he finally got on my nerves a bit too much one day as he was leaning against a brick wall. I snapped and punched him in the guts as hard as I could.

That big tough guy fell like a plank and started wheezing and balling his eyes out on the ground. I legged it. This guy was definitely going to get me back, right?

Anyways recess ends and I go back to class. Teacher pulls me aside and tells me off for fighting (Even though she could see it was BS) Turns out that bully dobbed on me!

Word gets around school, and come lunch time my brother comes and finds me. Asks me what happened. I tell him the full story. Well, Big bro is pissed. That kid ended up getting detention for a week.

And this is where the justice started. Did I say detention? well yeah but not what you're thinking. Every day for a whole week, big bro and his best mate hunted this bully down at the very beginning of recess and lunch, and dragged him off into this garden that was out of sight of the teachers.

He had to sit between the two of them and not talk at all. He was allowed to eat his lunch and nothing more. Got something good in that lunchbox? confiscated and eaten. Speak for any reason? Got a dead arm/leg for it. Try to escape? He only tried that once. They took his football off him and chucked it over the fence.

After a week, he was broken, and a totally different kid (In a good way) cos he didn't pick on anybody ever again.

TL,DR, Hit back at the bully, found out big bro is indeed a ruthless motherfucker

/r/AskReddit Thread