What's Your Unpopular Opinion?

I didn't write out explaining my criticism of feminism here, I just said that from what I have seen and how 'feminists' act, I've decided that I don't like the movement or the people who put themselves under that term.

I am going purely based off of the people I have met in the real world, and the radicals that seem to have taken over the movement on the internet/popular media. Everything is rape culture, everything is sexist/misogynistic, everything is about women.. But Feminism is for women, so why wouldn't it be about women? That's fine, but then when men decide to create their own movement for men's issues they get shut down, or laughed at, or made fun of, and told that feminism helps them too! Even though they don't.

They complain and act like petty things are what feminism should be focused on (men spreading their legs on buses and pretending women don't do the exact same thing) Screaming at jokes about rape/women but then turning around and making jokes about male tears/male egos. The dozens of posts on Tumblr that I've seen insulting white boys, boys in general, and even recently mocking white GIRLS has become a thing because POC women are the highest form of human on earth. But it isn't racist, because you can't be racist (or sexist) towards people who "have all the power."

Feminism is needed in lots of places around the world, and there are certain things that ARE harder for women, and women DO have to deal with the added stress of being attacked and raped or followed at night, and women in other countries do need help and they are being oppressed and suffering. But western feminism is a joke, because they've taken a movement that actually helped women (and still does help women if it isn't run by a crazy radical feminist with a tumblr) and turned it into a joke and a platform to complain about everything and make themselves out to be the victim.

Oh, and also, the fact that anyone (especially a woman) who doesn't identify as a feminist (and instead as an egalitarian, like myself) is usually berated with insults, and told we cannot think for ourselves, or we actually hate women, or we're just stupid, or anything else you can think of that'll basically insinuate that I'm an idiot and can't think for myself because either a) PaTrIaRcHy and internalized misogyny got to my little woman brain, or I'm just naturally an idiot.

I cannot wait until the rad fem/current feminism phase dies out, and if it doesn't, then I guess I'll continue to use it to my advantage and use it as a warning sign not to befriend/date/talk to anyone who identifies as one because I can guarantee I will not like/get along with that person.

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