When you are 16 but is already sick of speaking 8 languages at college

The language thing reminds me of this girl in one of my archaeology classes. This girl was a real pain in the ass, she was the kind of student who spoke over the professor during lectures to restate what he said as a question to try and make herself sound smart. Originally I was in the same tutorial as her, but once I could I switched to another one because it was smaller and because she wasn't in it.

Cut to: exams. I'm sitting outside the exam hall shitting myself because I hate exams and usually do badly on them. Then, all of a sudden, her and one of her mates sits near me. I'm huddled in the corner near death, so I focus on their conversation to keep myself occupied. Then, I hear it. 'Yeah so I'm fluent in Japanese, like I can count to 10 and order coffee :DD. I can also speak Russian, my friend taught me how to say hi and that, I'm also fluent in French, Spanish, and a few other languages :DD. But like, I read in a paper that people who are musically gifted are better at speaking languages and I'm really good at singing.' Obviously not verbatim because I don't remember the full exchange, just that she thought saying a few sentences in a language makes her fluent

Made me laugh on the inside, so thanks, random in my archaeology class, you're up yourself to the extreme but you calmed my pre-exam anxiety. Also this also a ventpost because she really pissed me off during lectures. Our prof was a bit of a scatterbrain and tended to forget where he was when he was stopped, so he'd have to spend a couple minutes thinking where he was at before he was interrupted

/r/iamverysmart Thread Link - i.redd.it