When you are "sprinting" on the treadmill, what speed is it set to?

When I started running, it felt like I was as fast as a rabbit! I was speedy Gonzalez! I could run for about all of 2 minutes straight and at 5.2. I am 5’3 and was 210 lbs at the time. I had developed plantar fasciitis (am a nurse on my feet most the day) and went to do some physical therapy and while I was there I spoke to my PT about running and she sat me up with the guy who specializes in running form.

He basically taught me how to run because I was doing it 100% wrong and in a way I would have never progressed. He also set me up with an interval training program to work up my endurance. The program involved a few weeks of 1:1 running/walking for a set amount of time. I also used a metronome for almost 6 months to help me set a pace and maintain good form.

Fast forward 8 months meow of running three times a week and finished the program at my own pace in January. I worked my speed up as well. I run for 30 minutes straight 3 times a week meow. I am still slow, and my running is deliberate and focused, but I can run 3.2 miles in 30 minutes. I exclusively use a treadmill which I know is taboo for many runners.

I run in intervals. My workout is 5 minutes warm up on the stationary bike at 8, weight machines (arms and legs), then treadmill. I do 5 minutes at 5.7-6.0 and play around with the incline for the latter 2.5 minutes (up +1-2). Then I do 5 minutes at 6.7-7.0 and then I repeat 2 more times. Some days I feel more tired than others. My hump day run is the most challenging but I also workout fasted (which is definitely better for me). I still sweat a TON but I think I could run longer if I wanted to but I don’t want to wake up any earlier than I already do. I am working on the faster part and have lost almost 40 pounds since starting so that has definitely helped.

I guess I don’t see a lot of sprinting on the treadmills at my gym. Most of the women around me are running at all different paces. I’d imagine height does factor into it. When I first started I was always so concerned about my speed and how it looked when I could only run for a minute and I was already beet red and huffing and puffing. It’s so nice to be confident in my abilities and to know I worked my way up to this point. I still am sweating profusely and breathing like I’m a Hoover but it feels good and I feel powerful. My legs have gotten super developed. My calves need their own stall.

I know I just over shared but I typed it so I’ll post it.

Tl;dr High speed sprint on treadmill currently at 7.0 for a 5 minute duration (does this count?)

/r/xxfitness Thread