When “baby friendly” hospitals put breastfeeding over my personal safety/serious medical needs.

Really sucks to hear baby friendly hospitals do that to their patients... That was the exact opposite of my experience giving birth at a hospital with a nursery back in September. In fact, I'd needed an emergency C-section and they were so concerned by me continuing to want to try and breastfeed rather than send him back to the nursery so I could rest, that they had a Psych Evaluation nurse come talk to me (who said "he won't remember being breastfed" as if I for some insane reason was only trying to breastfeed because I thought he'd remember it and not because of the health benefits). They kept telling me there was no way my milk was going to come in and reminding me of the concerns of he lost 10% body weight while drinking colostrum. Had lactaction consultants come in, not to give me advice on latching and whatnot, but to show me how to supplement him, which I did once just to get them to leave me alone and see that I'd be willing to if it ended up being necessary. My milk came in after two days and my son started gaining two days earlier than is expected for EBF babies. Once we got out of the hospital, I was able to relax and breastfeeding was easy. Never had to supplement and his pediatricians are happy with his gaining curve so far. But danged if the hospital didn't immediately try to make me feel like attempting to EBF was like me saying that I was going to let my baby starve. (it wasnt at all, and in fact I still have formula stored away just in the off chance my supply plummets or some emergency came up)...Albeit it may have been out of concern for my mental and physical health, and acknowledgment that some mothers in my situation struggle but feel pressured to breastfeed.... I wish they would have listened to me when I kept saying I was fine. Just wanted to share to show that not all hospitals go about it the same, and the opposite isn't always better.... There definitely should be some kind of happy medium in birthing hospitals where mothers are heard and given respect no matter what their choice.

/r/beyondthebump Thread