When you have been to another country and there has been a language barrier, what’s the worst thing that’s happened due to this?

2 situations and one funny situation. First one in Spain Women at the reception is not speaking english nor deutsch. I don't know how but perhaps because we were only non-french and non-russian tourists in that hotel. They assumed since we are from Croatia we speak russian. They asked their russian cleaning lady if she would help. Thank god we could get a hang of it when spealing very slowly we in croatian she in russian.

2nd situation was last year in Vienna. My best friends and I decided in a happy drunken state ( when you are just barely noticing alcohol is working) to visit a historical museum. All 4 of us being students have that student ID cards. We are speaking in croatian and czech women working at the counter takes our ID cards. Of course she didn't know english and my friends don't speak german so while being happily drunk I also had to translate between croatian and german.ać She heard us speaking and called us serbians to her colleague. First we starred at her, madly, then started laughing.

3rd situation was also last year but in France. My friend and I took an apartment near Paris in Sautroville. As I concluded this place has a large portuegese community. Our hosts, bless their hearths, are great people. We come to the apartment and see only one bed set, they assumed we were gay then I started laughing so much it was almost rude and friend was slightly angry. Now seeing he is angry I started making jokes who will penetrate who first. Thing is husband is not doing shit but his wife is doing all the work but she is not speaking french. Husband speaks french and portuegese and my friend speaks french and croatian. So he has me on one side talking shit in croatian, and asking me for my ID, translanting we are not gay to the guy who is then traslanting that to portuegese to his wife.

/r/AskEurope Thread