When you can't read the body language

Oh I know, I’ve been told that you have to earn their respect/affection, and I get that, but that doesn’t excuse how aggressive and mean spirited they are with each other or other animals, especially when the others ones are being friendly. I also don’t see them being nearly as affectionate with their owners as dogs.

Like the poor dog in the video was just being friendly, and that cat swatted at the poor thing lol. It just makes me feel bad for that poor little guy. He wasn’t being aggressive anything. I’ve seen countless videos like that.

I’ve also heard a LOT of cat owners say that cats are a**holes (i see that on Reddit a lot), that they treat their owners like their servants and that they act kind of high and mighty (even though they can be affectionate and loving at times). They say all this with amusement and like it’s the cutest thing and I just don’t get it. Idk, it’s just an annoying trait in anyone/any animal.

That aggressive bully-type behavior is unacceptable in dogs (I’d be annoyed if they did it too and it’s strongly encouraged to train that behavior away if any dog with behavioral issues does it) so idk why some people think it’s cute when cats do it. It’s not cute at all and idk why being mean spirited or aggressive is an attractive trait in any animal. Most dogs aren’t like that.

And I have to say the vast majority of the dog owners I know are not at all needy. A good few of them are straight up emotionally unavailable people lol. As far as dogs, from what I understand, neediness vastly varies from breed to breed. I’m not sure about cats though. The dog I had growing up was quite independent and willing to do his own thing but also would be up for long hikes, game of fetch, etc. and was super affectionate and loving. The cat I had growing up would show up for cuddles at times but pretty much stayed away most of the time and only really interacted with us when she wanted food.

I guess different strokes for different folks but I just don’t get it

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