When you catch someone looking at you


Yesterday, I worked as an election officer, helping people vote and such. There was one person who, like the rest, I exchanged pleasantries with. After she was done voting, she stayed around and talked with another officer. Because of the dynamics of the situation, I suppose I could have joined in, but I didn't.

Then at the end of the day, I took the results to the court house. I saw her once I got there, and she was smiling and looking in my direction, and, of course, I averted my line of sight, and made sure to not look back in her direction -_-

And then as I was leaving, she was still there and we exchanged smiles and she gave me a thumbs-up. (I don't drink, but we finally legalized alcohol sales in the city!)

There were two opportunities to be social that I missed. And yet a third opportunity presented itself.

Logically, we can determine that it is a good thing to interact with people. If someone look in my direction, and I misinterpret it as them wanting to communicate, the worst thing that can happen is they get an unsolicited, nice greeting. Which is a nice thing to receive. (I'm a guy. Maybe she will be afraid that some random guy is about to hit on her even though she isn't interested. But in the event of that bad situation, by not hitting on her or pushing the envelope, we can, you know, create an environment and expectation that there can be conversations without ulterior, sexual motives. So worst case scenario is still pretty good) And if they do want to talk, then, we may not have a great conversation, but over the long run, taking those conversational opportunities will create more good than bad in the world. I know that logically. But yesterday, by interacting with a large number of people, it helped me to feel that way as well

/r/socialanxiety Thread