When it comes to programmer salaries these are your choices

I 100% agree, and if you read my full response you would know that. My point was that because it is so expensive money can buy the best, but it does not have good health outcomes because of inaccessibility. I agree that the system is broken and needs to be changed. I acknowledged that it has bad outcomes due to lack of access. Things do need to change. How? I’m honestly not sure. I’m not here to argue against your point — I just wanted to speak on the true quality of care which you know was the original comment you were responding to. Not it’s accessibility. In fact this entire thread before I joined acknowledged lack of accessibility, yet quality of care.

The only thing is, any one who has good health insurance can access this care, not just the ultra wealthy. Yes it’s hidden behind insurance which you need a good job for, but there are many who do have access to that insurance in the middle class and up. Yes it’s absolutely atrocious for the lower class I agree. But that’s not the point.

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