When defening goes wrong

You know what I don't miss, ordering CD's through a mail via subscription selection for stuff you only kinda wanted and then maybe getting the ones you really wanted at Christmas/birthdays. And Walmart only sold edited stuff so hope your relatives didn't shop their for music. Then later when someone finally got a burner, you and friends physically got together to pool your collections. Which as we all probably don't ever think about anymore is that you had to wait while you ripped the CD to the computer, then had to check to see if the rip made a good copy, then you could burn each CD for your friends.

So to recap for all the kids; -For a while Your physical CD collection was in a book/binder, it took a good 5 mins just to burn a CD, No easy/quick way to back up were talking before USB flash drives and no MP3 format. if it don't work you tried washing them with dish soap then toothpaste and if that didn't work you usually sucked it up untill you could find another person with a clean disk.

CD's for me (and friends) were still relevant until about 06/7 except eventually there was enough room to back up your collection on the harddrive. You already had home CD players/ maybe a playstation/ and you probably had a bunch of shitty portable "anti-skip" CD players, most affordable aftermarket radios came with CD but not auxiliary, so up unitl that point unless you are that rich friend you didn't have a ipod and even SLOW DLS wasn't common. There were only a couple years before smart phones made more sense, you could get cheap mp3 dongle which were basically flash drives, then ipods/ipod devices got cheaper.

So yeah, Love spotify and when in down it takes like 5mins to find an artist collection I want that they didnt' offer.

/r/lewronggeneration Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com