When did the "class clown" take it too far?

Randomly humping people like a dog would.

There were many class clowns in my high school. My classes were mainly boys so many competed with each other. Cartwheel farts into random classrooms. Making holes in walls so class clowns could wave to each other. Throwing chairs and computers out of windows. These were some of the funny moments to watch of class clowns at my school and many more.

However, this one guy took it too far and started humping other guys and girls in the middle of class like a dog would. Mainly guys. Literally, the teacher would be explaining something and this guy would climb over tables and randomly pick someone to grind up against for a minute. He would get sent out and that would be it. So awkward to watch. It was weird. No one found it funny. His girlfriend even called him out on it and he didn't stop. Looking back post Me Too movement makes this situation even weirder. He was always doing things for attention like random kissing or shouting, throwing etc. If you say something against him he would just bully you constantly. He could be funny but if you got on the wrong side of him he could be vile. It wasn't worth telling teachers because everyone knows it makes it worse and many times teachers male and female, young and old saw him do it and did little so.

He did however get beaten up for it tho by a few people so he did stop.

/r/AskReddit Thread