When did you realize it was time to stop hanging out with a friend(or friends) for good?

I hanged out with a guy who seemed pretty normal and everything he had a normal name but claimed he was adopted from Russia although he knew no russian

Also he always told storys like that he is angry because he lost his mask in a drive by and he would get extremely angry if you don’t believe him. Or he was like sorry i’m late I was on a funeral and then came in joggers and he used a old Nokia claimed that it was his grandpas although he posted pictures on instagram with a modern phone. Or the worst part is that he called me and told that he heard that I talk shit bout him although it isn’t true, the best thing is that my friend told me he dmd him the same on IG although they had no contact. I feel like he had a 2nd personality. Whatever’s eventually I stopped hanging out with him after 2 weeks or something. (sry for my english)

/r/AskReddit Thread