When did you realize your previous SO was not the one?

When I realized that her mental health issue were so overwhelming that I wasn't happy being with her anymore. She had very severe depression, anxiety, and an eating disorder. At some point, our entire relationship became me consoling her for ten different things a day. I would often wake up to a dozen texts threatening suicide over a bad grade in a class or something her mother said. When we were together, we weren't having fun anymore because she had zero emotional stability. After a while, I was becoming depressed and anxious myself. I was bored, anxious, and totally overwhelmed because she just wouldn't leave me alone for any period of time.

The moment I realized this was the night before one of my good friends moved across the country. It was his going away party, and I was super excited. I hadn't seen him in months and this was going to be the last time I could see him for about a year. Everyone was going to get together and send him off with a great time. I told my previous SO that I wanted some space that night, and that I probably wouldn't be able to answer my phone. She agreed, but then an hour before Im supposed to go, she calls up in tears begging to come over because she doesn't want to go home, telling me she'll cut herself if she does. She knew I wanted, needed, that night for myself, but she insisted on coming over and not going to the party. I couldn't take her with me because she didn't like going to parties, refused to be around pot, and even if she did go, she would have ruined the party by talking about her mental health issues and nothing else, which is what she did to practically everyone she met.

So I relent, she comes over, and we do nothing. What was supposed to be a great, wild night of fun ended up becoming yet night of listening to her talk about how terrible her life was and how worthless she is. At this point, it had been nothing but nights like those for months. All night, every night, that's what I listened to. She was easily the most miserable, unhappy, boring person I ever met in my life and I was too smitten with puppy love to realize it until that night. That was when I realized that if I stayed with her, there was going to be nothing but nights like those in my future. Her negativity was starting to effect my own mental health. I wasn't happy because my whole life had started to revolve around consoling a emotionally broken person, the kind of person who isn't the condition to be dating anyone. Since then, I've become a much happier person, and I've made emotional stability my top standard in a relationship.

/r/AskReddit Thread