When did you realize your best friend was no longer your best friend?

I have an ex that I continually go back to more out of habit and security than anything else. New breakup? Lets fool around for a couple weeks or months until I feel ready to get back at it. New fling? Nah, lets just fool around together instead. Now my friend always judged me for going back to him even though it was more about the support he and I gave each other during tough times. Any time I was in touch with him I had to hear about how unhealthy it was. This brings us to last Fall when I found out he was going to have a baby with his, post-me, on again off again girlfriend. They also had plans to be married. For me this meant the end of a consistent person being in my life. While our friendship was deep it was also partially hinged, for both of us, on our sexual relationship together. As a person who feels loss particularly hard I was having a difficult time that summer admitting it was over and went through a couple flings. Mid summer my friend sits me down and tells me she can't be around to watch me whore myself out all summer and called me a multitude of names for a slut. I should add that whenever I would tell her stories she'd say she wasn't judging me. Realistically she was saying this so she could go back to her boyfriend and they could talk shit about me. She never asked why I was suddenly so promiscuous just judged me for it and walked away. 12 years of friendship gone in a moment. Almost a year later and we haven't spoken a word.

Tldr; Had a hard time getting over an ex and my friend dropped me for acting like a slut

PS: I'd also like to add that I'm now in a healthy relationship, not in touch with my ex, and recently got promoted to a position at my job that years ago I could only have dreamed about. So if you need to be a slut to get through a hard time FUCKING SLUT IT UP

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