When and why did you start daily drinking?

I think it started when I was 20. When I would come home from university I would stop at the nearby store grab a bottle of wine and drink the whole thing that evening. That was mostly 3-4 times a week though. Then I had a bad break up around 23 and that wine turned to 2 bottles of vodka ( I stopped around 6 months but I would still buy a bottle of whiskey once in a while and finish it in a couple of days). I think I lost control during the last 6 months due to the whole lockdown thing. I went from a bottle of whiskey every two weeks to 3-4 bottles a week. Some weeks I would buy low shelf ouzo intead which imo is the worst thing you can do to your stomach. I started forgetting things, my liver was probably swollen and most of my money were wasted on booze. Now I'm back on wine again and I feel a lot better but I don't think I can go a day without drinking at all.

/r/cripplingalcoholism Thread