When did your dad "dad" the hardest?

When I was a teenager, I had horrific anger issues. Growing up, my parents had alcohol abuse issues and their marriage had been falling apart, which led to many issues in the household. Many arguments that got physical. I was around 15-16 when this particular story occurred. My mother and I got into an argument. All three of us had horrible tempers so the argument quickly flared into a screaming match, and then she said "you know what, I'm calling your father to come handle your punk ass." And so she did. She told me that he said he was on his way and I'd better get ready for an ass whipping. So I sat and waited. I thought I was big and bad, and I was ready. My dad wasn't ready for me. My father was a big, strong man at this time. He stood about 6'2 and 220 pounds. With me only at 15-16, I was about 5'11 and 175. He walked in, furious. He stomped straight up to me and got in my face, somewhat head butting me in the process. Then I pushed him, and got exactly, what I feel like I deserved. He raised his hand to hit me and I hit him first and I proceeded to beat him absolutely senseless. My right hand was swollen for weeks after that fight. After I stopped, he slowly got up off the ground, looked at me and just started bawling. He grabbed me and hugged me tight and told me he loved me more than I would ever understand and he wanted to get me help for my anger and he wanted to fix every thing that was wrong in the house hold. I had never really realized how much my dad loved me until that point. I went to counseling, and fixed my anger issues and they both stopped drinking and saved their marriage. It is absolutely my biggest regret. I've seen some people say that dad strength is real and that every boy must test his father to feel it. I strongly recommend it because if it ends up like mine did, you will feel like a piece of shit for the rest of your life.

/r/AskReddit Thread