When did you know that your relationship was over?

I think the realization almost hit a few times but denial is a hell of a drug. The thing that slammed the nail in the coffin for me was finding a porn video of him in his army uniform (He joined years after we were married) banging my HS best friend. All those times he made me feel crazy for thinking he was cheating hit me at once and I felt realived and pissed off admittedly.

I ended up breaking into his accounts (This was the first time Id ever felt a need to do this to anyone and Im still mildly ashamed) and digging the same night and with a brief search of litterly 2 social media sites found around 3 others. One whom he was engaged with while married to me apparently.

He acted devastated when I asked for a divorce when he got home from field. Ugh. Plus the stupid divorce cost me $1000s and nearly made me homeless. To say the least Im still sour to him since I still need to deal with him time to time cause family and ties with friends even if Ive moved on and am happily engaged again years later.

/r/AskMen Thread