When the elevator gets stuck.

Story time: I was in an elevator with a middle aged woman and a mid thirty something man (at the time I was like my young twenties).

The elevator gets stuck, no big deal to me, there's a phone we can call. The man starts acting like this is a damn movie and shortly after the elevator is stuck (and before we used the phone) he start trying to get into the ceiling hatch. This isn't a movie, those are locked, plus what would you do once you're up there dude?

The woman is staying relatively calm but she is internally freaking out. Saying like "this isn't good, we need to get out" and other random things.

Me, the basically kid at the time get on the phone and talk with the person, they dispatch the fire department but it is going to take awhile. No biggie, we just chill, lights are on, were just sitting there.

The dude then thinks get can pry the door open, I tell him not to cause you know, were stuck between floors from how it felt when we moved. He grabs the doors and pulls them open a couple inches, then they lock up and when he releases then they latch shut and no can't be moved at all. Nice going dude.

The person on the phone was asking me to relay to them to calm down and just relax. The woman was hanging in there but was really uncomfortable and I think was about to blow up. The dude was finally calm and just stopped acting like it was a movie.

We all just sat on the floor and after 2.5 hours the fire department was able to slowly lower the hydraulic and brought up to the bottom floor. Then after some additional time they were able to get the doors unlocked.

Now I never go into an elevator if I have to pee or poop.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Link - v.redd.it