When you encounter an RP guild in the middle of a 'love' session

Really? You really need someone to explain to you why being a pervert in real life isn't the same thing, at all, as doing erotic role playing in a video game? The problem with giving more response then "no you are wrong"'to something like this is that an average human being is smart enough to not make a statement as shockingly asinine as the one you made above. It's hard to even know where to start explaining why you are wrong if you are actually dumb enough to make huge leaps in logic like the one you made above.

If you are really too stupid to understand why what you said is so wrong, here's a hint: trying to apply societal norms to things that happen in video games is not only the the logic of the moron, it's also dangerous because it's the same kind of logic used by people who want to ban video games for their violence. Comparing being a pervert in real life and all the societal norms surrounding that to doing erotic role play in a video game is a classic use of the "false equivalency" logical fallacy. It's the same logic people use to say "Hey they are killing someone in a video game! That means they want to kill someone in real life! Video games are bad!" Using that kind of logic is dangerous because there are actually people out there dumb enough to believe that kind of thing. The acts you compared aren't comparable. At all.

Is this the kind of response you wanted? Is this more than a "half conversation"? Have I "responded properly" to you yet? When someone makes a statement as astoundingly idiotic as the one you made I usually don't fully go into why they are wrong as 1. I'm never really sure if they're trolling or not. I mean who is really that stupid to make a comment like that? and 2. I honestly dont usually have the time to fully explain concepts like the false equivalency logical fallacy. But if you are going to actually come back and say "hurr durr no one fully responds on this subreddit and explains why my statement is wrong when most 3rd graders could tell you what's wrong with my statement hurr durr," then sure, I'll come back and "respond properly." Generally people don't have enough time or energy to explain why statements such as the one you made above are so obviously wrong, as the energy and time could be better spent elsewhere explaining actual issues that lots of people don't understand as opposed to trying to enlighten the 1% of idiots that still try to argue with blatant logical fallacies.

So in conclusion I'll leave you with the very first word that came into my head when I realized you were actually that dumb that you didn't understand very simple concepts that make your statement wrong: "Amazing."

/r/elderscrollsonline Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it