When the fuck is the federal intervention going to happen in states like Florida and Texas?

Yes, I have, but there’s plenty to be done besides voting, which won’t save us if we’re outvoted at any point.

You mean when Democracy fails you? Because that's been the case for black people for a long time now. And yup, it sure sucks when you're outvoted. What do you want to replace Democracy with? A dictatorship where you're calling the shots I imagine.

Voting won’t save us when another January 6th rolls around.

Well evidently nothing else did either but a couple of cops. Counter-protestors weren't there, certainly not protecting the building. You wouldn't go to D.C. just to protect an election process.

My appeal is about the humanity of people who are oppressed and you sound ready to callously write them off even if they’ve voted and engaged in activism because they live in a red state.

Ok so this will just go on forever because you don't want to get the point, so I′ll respond and then block you too. You can't make me feel bad for not having more power than the vote of one person. If you want to bitch about systemic issues, take it up with society, not me. I didn't vote for Texas to be red for decades. I didn't confirm radical right wingers to lifetime judge positions. But a lot of other people did, and a lot more people let them. That's their fault. Not mine.

Honestly, this is like when women get blamed for badly behaving men because you know the man doesn't give a fuck what you have to say, and guess what? Neither does this woman. I did my job, do yours, and if you still lose, oh well, that's life in a Democratic Republic. Millions of other people other than me or you. Live with it or die mad about it, I don't care.

But make sure you keep voting or anything you have to say about politics is empty virtue signaling. Your reddit posts may feel better but they aren't better.

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