When the girl behind the bar knows my drink before I order

Alcohol was part of everyday life in my house growing up. Firstly I must say that both my parents were decent people who looked after my brother and I well but they did drink a lot. My father not so much as my mother. They were "good drunks" not nasty or depressed or aggressive at all.

Back then in the 90's they both had good jobs. My dad was an accountant and my mother was a PA to a person high up in government until her drinking got bad enough to be noticed at work.

A litre a day sounds insane but she managed it. Going to the bottle every half hour or so throughout the day and evening it can be done. Her tolerance was incredible and I only saw her drunk when she drank openly in social situations on top of the vodka she hid. Killed her at 42.

I always drank a couple of beers every day from my mid teens onwards but heeding my doctor's advice I have not become physically dependent. It is so much easier to go out of control and build incredible tolerance to alcohol when drinking spirits.

I get a given a bottle of rum on my birthday every year and that is the only spirits I drink.

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