When was the last time you cried and why?

Tears falling, last night, because my eyes randomly decide to cry sometimes. Can't tell if I need medical attention, or if I just need to cry.

The last time I cried for a reason would be... the night before last.

I was left alone for eight hours, and whenever I'm left alone I end up getting to a point where I notice slightly less control over my hands, then I break completely and just kinda start to freak out, and it was specifically about how worthless of a human being I am, I've got no skills, or qualities anyone would look for, I'm underweight and ugly as shit, and I had convinced myself I was being led on by my girlfriend, and that she was lying to me about every nice thing she had ever said, that evolved to just wanting to die in general, which evolved to me telling her to just get it over with and leave me, cause she was meant for so much more, which she denied and snapped me out of it, but I don't express emotions often, so I had an odd feeling, and my brain is so fucked up it convinced me that I had just transitioned to some sort of alternate universe, and I could feel it...

Yeah I have to constantly distract myself when I'm left alone or this happens quite a bit... I really need to see a doctor.

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