Why when a Male transitions into a Female do they begin to wear dresses and high heels and long hair, when those things are just a stereotypical Western social construct of how a woman should look but defying social constructs is what transgenderism is about in the first place?

I've posted thousands of times but I delete my comments because people tend to go creeping on profiles and judge people based on that and it makes my skin crawl a bit.

Thank you for answering, I'm so happy the tide is turning and this is becoming accepted and normal, no human being on this Earth deserves to ever feel unhappy, harassed or bullied and thanks to honest people like yourself who will tell an uneducated person like myself 'Okay, here's how it is.' that does the world a difference, and I have a hope that when my younger relatives are grown up, so much progress has been made thanks to champions of the cause that, one day people will look back at this 'debate' and find it unbelievable that it was ever up for debate in the first place. It's genuine progress in a world that just wants to repeat the present. Thank you.

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