When I find out most of the people I know are having kids I immediately think of this.

It's funny because I have friend who will not have kids because of various reasons (the main being that they just don't want any) and never have I ever felt they were douchey about the subject. They don't call people breeders and they never diss people who have kids or want them.

It just must be a reddit thing because when I get into a comment section that talks about kids people are bashing people because they decided to have kids.

The thing I don't like, in regards to parents, are the ones who constantly complain about having kids. I'm in no way childfree but I cannot stand people who have kids that hate their kids, constantly complain about their kids or how they cramped their social life, or people who constantly say "you'll know when you have kids how terrible it is".

But on the flipside I hate people who don't want kids having to constantly bring up how much their lives will be better because they'll have money and time. There are many people who make enough money who can buy whatever they want or they actually plan on traveling with their kids. Some people want kids and can't have them due to whatever reason and it is pretty fucked up to bring up childfree mentality to these people (I.e. "you're actually lucky...")

Then there is the complaining about peer pressure or pressure from family members. Fucking communicate. Tell them you decided to not have kids or to mind their own fucking business. It isn't that hard to communicate.

It boggles my mind why strangers on the internet give a shit whether people do or do not want kids.

tl:dr; if people want kids and can afford it, who the fuck cares? Also, if they don't want kids and want a non-kid life, who the fuck cares?

/r/funny Thread Parent Link - imgur.com