When I see people jump to conclusions about shoddy out of context leaks every month for the past 5+ years

If you need a reminder of what I was arguing, I'll just copy and paste my responses:

Stories plainly told in the simplest terms with no context are going to sound weird and dumb.

"Ellen becomes dove (crying)" sounds like we literally just see a panel of him just turning into a dove. That would be extremely weird.

But, the context of it and the way it is presented in the actual chapter is artful and poetic.

You're acting like only one type of context exists. Context isn't just about story explanations. The framing of things, the way things are paneled, the way things are drawn, the specific wording of things, the symbolism being portrayed, the way things are portrayed in general, etc. These are all contexts that the leaks lack.

Something can have no story explanation and still be executed well. Some of my favorite stories and series are often vague and up for interpretation.

Every other comment I made after these two comments was just me having to tell you "no, I never said that" after you accuse me of saying something I didn't say, and then me explaining what I actually think about what you accuse me of. And now you act like veering off track of the point we were talking about was my fault. No. I made my points and then you argued against things I never said.

/r/ShingekiNoKyojin Thread Parent Link - i.gyazo.com