When I read that Charlotte "protesters" looted Walmart

I mean sure, but most of those crimes happen in poverty stricken areas that happen to be black. I get the BLM movement, I really do. They are angry at being oppressed systemically for decades. Violence is prevalent in high poverty areas due to more illicit crimes taking place. It's not a simple problem to fix. We need to a) acknowledge thst racism and social discrimination exist b) work on ways to work together to improve them (decriminalize illegal drugs, descalation techniques for cops, reasonable prison sentences, refocus efforts on inner city schools, etc. The issue is that so many people are still stuck on A pretending that no issue exists in the first place. There is a lot to dislike about the BLM movement. They have not always conducted themselves well but I think it's rather ignorant to say that they don't have anything to be angry about. Can we please go ahead and acknowledge the issues at hand so we can work towards solutions?

While we have placed some laws that help, we have olaced many with the intention of harming those demograohics(war on drugs, voter Id laws, etc). It's not an even playing field. If you truly believe that then you seriously lack empathy or perception.

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