When I realized I was trans a lot of stuff I never had explanations for suddenly started making sense. Anyone else?

I think I might've coded my post differently than I intended to. I didn't mean to imply this was the only way to be a woman, or that all women share these preferences. Rather my realization was that I was not a horrifically abnormal and malformed man, but a fairly stock woman with preferences well within normal parameters for women. For example:

Your preference for "aggressive badass bikers" is your preference, it's not because you are a woman. There are gay women who like all different types, obviously.

Sure, and anyone who likes any other kind of woman is 100% fine by me. I didn't mean to impugn anyone else's preferences. My point was just kind of - if someone said to you "That lesbian over there likes biker chicks" your response would be "That is a perfectly normal thing for a lesbian to be into" and not "What the hell!? That's really weird!"

Or I guess to usage an analogy, your whole life you think you're a mutant freak elephant. Your nose is tiny, your ears stick straight up, you're covered in fur. But one day you realize you're not an elephant at all, but rather a rabbit. And in fact, all the things that marked you as an outlier among the elephants is completely normal and average among rabbits. Having ears that stick straight up went from "...what the hell?" to "Yeah, rabbits have ears that do that. No duh."

If this still comes across as offensive, I'm sorry I didn't mean it to be. I want to emphasize I'm just speaking for me, and not trying to generalize to everyone everywhere.

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