When RP brings out RL Red Flags

Your story is giving me flashbacks to an old RP partner I had, and the story I think is certainly relevant enough for this subreddit.

Long story short, she and I did some crazy awesome Rps. She always seemed a little unstable, and would occasionally get drunk and send me stuff that she probably shouldn't have, to which I would just reply something polite. She also kept talking about how she'd been stalked and sexually harassed, yet at the same time kept sending me pictures of herself that were not 100% appropriate. I thought it was odd but I was having fun so whatever. She kept getting more and more ooc however.

At one point she threw down the gauntlet. She said "Come to Australia and visit me and [[yeah, she offered that]]." I said, "Uhh... don't you have a husband?" She responded and I quote "He doesn't mind ;)" I'm not poly so I was not comfortable with this, not least with the airfare!

I said something that was potentialy a little insensitive if interpreted with the wrong tone, something like "Thanks but I prefer to be in a committed relationship",

She then became fucking furious. She accused me of all kinds of random and totally unrelated bad behavior, "I'm the victim" and "leave me alone!". I just sent her one last message saying "I've always loved playing with you and would always love to, tomorrow or 10 years from now or never if thats what you prefer, just wish you the best."

She went quiet for a year. Then she came back and apologized for everything and we have done some very cool RP stories since then.

So in conclusion....yeah I recommend to just play it cool, let her simmer down, do your own stuff.

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