When she sees her mum hitting the hooka (tobacco) [OC]

Did you actually read your own links?

They both state the best policy is no tobacco at all and that all tobacco users should quit in the entirety but then go on to show that the risk are far far lower for hookah smoking than cigarettes. Neither one of them talks about marijuana at all. They also both state that many users use no tobacco derivatives at all in their pipes.

The conclusion of all of the studies cited on that page say the same thing:

"Conclusion Waterpipe tobacco smoking is possibly associated with a number of deleterious health outcomes. There is a need for high-quality studies to identify and quantify with confidence all the health effects of this form of smoking."

Hookah smoking may be associated with negative health outcomes but there is insufficient evidence to shout "WRONG" at anyone just yet.

/r/WatchPeopleDieInside Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it