When some kid tells you his KD, thinking it matters in Battlefield.

This just not true. You can spend the entire round avoiding other players and not getting kills and just capping OBJ. If the enemy team is too busy focusing on "killing you" they lose because ticket bleed is highly affected by holding the OBJ, especially if one team is not playing the OBJ and the other team takes all the caps. You can spawn kill me all you want, your tickets will bleed faster without flags than with. Playing the OBJ always rewards you more in BF than focusing on your kill count.

Don't believe me? Go 1v1 against someone in a custom game. You only focus on killing the other player. They won't kill you but will only focus on capping. 100 to 1 odds the player capping wins the game.

K/D only matters in games with no vehicles, small maps, and little to no utility/objective play. There are way better ways to display your skill at the game.

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