When do Stanford REA decisions get released, December 10th or December 15th?

I think I have done something pretty bad

I registered an edu domain on Namecheap similar to UTAustin, I won’t say the exact domain, but it allows me to get a pretty convincing email address and webpage.

I just sent my crush an email saying that she has been logged in another device in a random country from my edu email with a link to a simple phishing site so I could get her password.

After I got her username and password, I removed her email and added my edu email, and just slowly started to fuck her over. I changed her major, and eventually I was able to cancel to admissions to the college itself.

I know I am not able to go to UT Austin, but now that she’s not able to go there either, we can go to A&M together and I can ask her out and we can be a family.

I haven’t done it yet, but I do have the domain

/r/ApplyingToCollege Thread