When do you tell the person you are dating that you have bipolar ?

You’re so lucky lol mine told me about it after we were well dating and had sex - he actually told me when we were in bed right after sex. He also threatened me to never tell a soul. When I started doing my own research he disagreed with everything I read on, said it’s not true that he needs medication and more.

Then he’d manipulate me by saying he felt like a burden and to promise I’d never leave when things go bad so I did. Then one day he said he was going to cause me a lot of pain so I should deal with it. I said why not get help he said he didn’t need it. Things got worse everyday, I had so much anxiety from the mistreatment I tried to leave he guilt tripped me until my anxiety turned into panic attacks and meltdowns - then he said I was too much and will never be right for someone like him. I adore people like your boyfriend and wish you two the very best!!

/r/BipolarSOs Thread Parent