When Trump Says He Was Being ‘Sarcastic,’ It’s Just Part of His Gaslighting - He Wasn’t Joking About Disinfectant. Saying He Was is His Attempt to Control Reality.

I wasn't saying they misrepresented him on this exact quote, I think it was along the lines of the dumbest shit he's ever said or done, trust me I hate the fucking guy like everyone else. The only point I was trying to make is I agree that the news can sometimes misrepresent statements or actual stories with just the headlines. We have lot's of people in this country who simply read just the headline and assume it's the story. For what it's worth I believe right wing media is far worse at it then anyone, but to dismiss the idea completely because "Trump's bad so the news is always right" is a slippery slope. Bottom line is the president and the news should be accountable because Americans rely on them to be informed, I'd hope we could agree on that at least.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - ashingtonpost.com