When Turkey Destroyed Its Christians

if you went to belgium and said nothing happened at congo, if you went to iberia and said we are innocent of murdering the indigenious people of americas, if you went to us and said injuns had it coming, people would look at you as if you were mad. and don't bring saddam into this, as if iraq war has any kind of support among american populace.

but it's the opposite in turkey. we praise the 3 idiots who instigated the genocide and say armenians deserved it since they rebelled(even the women and children picked up weapons, apparently!). genocide is an appropriate response to rebellion, according to you people. and if someone says the genocide did happen, people accuse them of licking western ass.

japan may be technologically advanced, but their schools are indoctrination centres just like ours.

we know what's going on in china thanks to the west, the pentagon, the un and the western media reported on it. and what have we or the islamic world in general done about it? nothing. absolutely not even a single comment. and don't try to reduce it to uyghur genocide, there are all sorts of people being held captive in reeducation camps from uyghur muslims chinese hui muslims to christians. so it's not a racially or religiously charged genocide, but general chinese totalitarian fuckery.

also no one seriously even considers reperations or something ridiculous like that. black people demand reperations for slavery from americans, and even the most outrageous sjw folks found that idea quite silly. people can not be held responsible for actions of their ancestors. but it is not our ancestors that go to armenian genocide memorials and sing turkish marches to epicly trigger le armenitards.

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