When you turn 18 years old

Really heavy spoilers

>!Ok so in this gif you can see an alternate universe parallel of Jonathan Joestar, which most people just call Johnny.

his legs don't work.

So he goes on a horse race to get pieces of Jesus' corpse. Yes. So after getting an arm he gets this ability called stand just look it up it's one of the main traits of jojo but it's basically a ghost that represents your fighting spirit.

Johnny gets this ability named tusk that changes as the story goes along, in this gif he discovers the ability of shooting himself with his spinning nails with the golden ratio in order to create a hole in himself to transport himself to other places or something like that listen its complicated (do you really want to listen about how he fights someone who makes your sins fight you and killing yourself brings you back to life you probably do but that's not what I'm here for) after jesus gave him advice also his dead pet rat that caused his brother's death is there and!<

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