When the U.S. had a president who wouldn’t let a little rain stop him from honoring the troops

Before Trump, Clinton (and the congress prior to 1998) was the last President and congress that seemed to care at all about sustainable policies.

The housing boom was started in the late Clinton years and W doubled down on it literally allowing banks to borrow first 8x then 10x and eventually 20 and 30x the amount of assets they had. That is an unsustainable interference with the economy. My bank got sued in the early 2000's because their shareholders were concerned they were not borrowing enough. Ironically they fared the best in the bust and are now booming.

During the Obama years our debt double from $10T to $20T. Somehow during the clinton years we were able to survive as a country on $1.5T. Now, anything less than $4T/year puts democrats and war mongering republicans into the fetal position.

Obama was respected because he was a nice guy that let other nations take advantage of the U.S. W was similar particularly as it related to the piss poor management of war and taking on more than we should have in the Middle East.

Trump stopped all that. His policies are sustainable and the economy is growing at a rate even Obama said was impossible. We are in such a good economic position that interest rates are going up again for the first time in 18 years. Christ, we were borrowing banks money at 0% and even negative interest for a time to try and keep the economy going doing the later years of Clinton, all of W and all of Obama.

History will look back 50 years from now and look at the Reagan years, first half of the Clinton years and Trump's era as key to the success (I hope) the U.S. will continue to have.

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