When you uninstall League of Legends

As someone who's played for a little over three years, I've gone through cycles of uninstalling and re-installing the game for months at a time I can agree 100% with this post. These weren't rage uninstalls or anything like that but more of "fuck it, i have too much on my plate so i'm throwing this out" kind of install. League (and by extension mobas) are not like other games where you can just pick them up casually and play as you like. Each 40 minute match is a commitment, it can be an extremely rewarding commitment or a hellish ordeal that seems to crawl on at a decreasing pace. If a team mate has it out for you in one of these games, there is very little you can do to stop them. Muting can help in situations but even then, you're now playing without the coordination of a fifth team member, the way the game was meant to be played because at its core, league is a team game.

It's always funny to see the work "toxicity" be followed by a spontaneous legion of sociologists in its wake explaining that toxicity isn't a real issue, or it only affects certain ranks ect. The fact of the matter is that anonymity combined with pressure leads to tension and people can express that tension without consequence. At no tier of play are any of these elements removed for removing them would change the nature of the game.

I was silver 2 and I will admit I am simply bad at league of legends. I do not deserve a higher rank, nor am I pursuing one currently. I used to be obsessed with rank. One my phases was to play competitively, i got bored. uninstalled. Re-installed when school wasn't shitting on me and decided I'd play only for fun, then I uninstalled and decided I'd play only with friends, then I reinstalled after I got a job and decided I'd only play twice a day. I made new rules whenever I came back but none of them mattered because it was still the same game and I was still addicted.

I know this game was meant for someone but that someone isn't me. Some may equate League to sportsman ship, competitiveness and "toughening up" just like school football and frankly they're blind. You feel good after playing a game of football. Sports are fresh air, exercise and socialization. League is none of that and it doesn't give the same accomplishment. In football if someone's being an ass you can just leave and play somewhere else. Lol doesn't do that.

To those that haven't played Lol yet: Don't. Go to Dota2 instead. At least you have all the characters from the get go and won't have to worry about wasting your refunds. To those that do play League: Don't. But if you do I wish you luck on the rift and pray you find fulfillment in the stale mechanics you master.

/r/gaming Thread Link - imgur.com