When a user posts a selftext asking a question how would I have automod message the user once they've thanked someone and ask them to set the flair to solved?

For clarification this is my automod config (with what you suggested at the bottom)

```# New account spam - Uncomment this if we are having problems with spam

type: submission


satisfy_any_threshold: true

comment_karma: "< 1"

account_age: "< 1"

action: report

action_reason: New account spam?

Auto report shitposts

type: submission title (includes,regex): ['up\s?(dank|vote|doot|kek)s?'] action: report action_reason: Asking for upvotes? moderators_exempt: false

Blacklisted domains

type: submission domain: [spicytastymemes.com] action: remove action_reason: Blaclisted domain moderators_exempt: false comment: "Your post was removed because it is of a blacklisted domain"

Remove video links

type: submission domain: [youtube.com, vimeo.com, vid.me, liveleak.com, facebook.com, twitter.com, instagram.com, 9gag.com, youtu.be, soundcloud.com, twitch.tv, pornhub.com] action: remove action_reason: Video Link moderators_exempt: false comment: "Greetings, normie.

My name is AutoDankerator version 4.2.0 and I regret to inform you that your submission has been removed.

All links to social media as well as video & audio websites are no longer allowed in /r/dankmemes.

This subreddit is only for the dankest memes.

Please use /r/dankvideos instead."

Auto Comment/Stickies

type: submission

comment_stickied: true

Ask Users To Flair Solved Questions/SelfText

type: comment
body (includes): "thank you", "thanks"
    is_submitter: true
message: "I noticed you thanked someone. Please make sure to flair your post as solved!"```
/r/AutoModerator Thread Parent