When white people say they hate white people

The "fight" against systematic racism against black people in America is a cultural fad. What about Latin-Americans? Asians? Native Americans? The environmental crisis? the 20 veterans who commit suicide daily? The growing socio-economic inequality? The fact that the most influental country in the world is run on a two-party political system?

You are empassioned with the idea of not being insensitive to black people specifically, because it's the latest fashionable cause. I'm going to take a step back and not presume to judge you for the things you've chosen to care about, but the world is ripe with injustice. How about instead of attempting to "be an ally" to black people and making sure they know there's someone woke enough to understand their plight (curing the symptom, and not the disease), you make an effort to stand against racism against Asian people, black people, native americans, and white people.

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