When will I get to see my husband again

I understand your point, however it is very much a grey area which constitutes what is ‘necessary travel’ and ‘unnecessary travel’. If you are a resident overseas who is safe and content where they are, then it’s unnecessary for them to return home, however they are given the privilege to do so.

On the other side someone’s partner could have quit there job, given notice on their rental lease and sold all their belongings only to be suddenly stuck in limbo.

No home, no job and no money with no where to go because where they were going next week wasn’t in the country they are now being imprisoned in.

There’s obviously a lot going on in the world right now and a lot of people wanting a lot of things from a lot of individuals, however I don’t think it’s unfair to try and find a solution to such a subjective situation, and to be scorned for trying is un-empathetic.

/r/ukvisa Thread