When your 2 squad mates drop instantly in GM3....and you say "f*ck it" and go on to get 10.7 million with a random Ranger duo style

Game has improved a great deal, loot seems to be fixed for the most part.

One of our guys (appeared) lagged out in the first area due to high volume of Dominion. His Javelin went Auto-Pilot and dipped from the scene.

Upon seeing this, our 3rd teammate was unsure about his future being within the stronghold. He knew a mighty Titan lie ahead, and instead of running headlong into it with the might of 10,000 hammers, he fled the battlegrounds almost immediately.

It was then, that the last 2 Javelins left played a game of Chicken, to see who would be the last pathetic soul to abandon Fort Tarsis and succumb the souls of all to the Cataclysm.

But instead, we owned that bitch.

/r/AnthemTheGame Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it