When was your biggest "I should not be laughing" moment?

My friend did the laughing, but I was involved heavily so I shall tell the tale. In college @ SUNY New Paltz, we had a lot of literature classes with the same Professor and my best friend and I were both on the same Writing degree path so we had this same professor, together, for a lot of classes. At the end of the absolute last class we had with her, after two years of it, we decided to get ridiculously baked before heading to her last class. Because we took too long ripping 6-foot bong hits, we realized halfway to class we were ridiculously late and even had a moment of panic and discussed just skipping the last all together, but, we persevered and trudged on. When we got there it wasn't late enough that class had started, but it was late enough that the only two seats left in the class room were one directly in the middle of desks and one smack dab in the front of the row that was nestled right beside her teaching podium. As a standup, yet not very humble, friend, I took the front desk and let my buddy get the more innocuous one. We were discussing C.S. Lewis' Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.(Protip: everything C.S. Lewis wrote was a reimagining of the Bible) The prof decided today would be the day she should bring in actual weapons: a sword and a huge wooden bow, and she asked for volunteers to wield them in some weird attempt to show us that if it was awkward for us, imagine all the kiddos from the Wardrobe trying to do it. I'm not sure what she was even thinking, but I was wicked baked and probably am a little as I write this. Anyway since no one volunteered, she handed me the bow. She then asked me to draw the bow (no arrow, I promise) and release it to hear the twang of the string, but I froze up with all eyes upon me, being insanely goddamned baked, and feeling like now everyone knew. So i let out a little bowstring twang, and The prof asked why I didn't really snap the bow, and, all i could muster was "I'm not Susan." (Susan had the bow in the book). The class, by the way, was filled with very stodgy literature undergrads and I never saw any of them smile. All of them were taking this rather seriously and my terrible lit joke, if you can call it that, made my bestfriend laugh uncontrollably. The prof asked he what was so funny and everyone glared at him. He excused himself to get it together but too his bag and actually just left the whole building. We could hear him laughing all the way down the hallway and out of the building. My prof asked me why he was laughing so hard but at this point I was choking back giggles and all I could say is "I think he needs more sleep." I then ducked out with shit quick AF and ran home to presumably smoke more weed. TL;DR: Got lit AF before lit class, was late and had to sit up front, was made to volunteer to try out a bow in front of stodgy lit majors, made my friend laugh himself out of the classroom.

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