Whenever you hear a “walks into a bar joke”, is it always the same bar imagined in your mind? What does it look like?

Always the same.

I walk into the door and a little light is let into the room, but once that door closes, it's dimly lit and the bar is made of dark, mahogany wood. The bar has been there for a long time, the bartenders are casual and easy-going, and the owner is probably some 65 year old guy who everyone knows just not to mess with. There are always more guys in the room, there's good music, and a lot of people are standing, some are sitting, and there's this excited but apprehensive atmosphere - guys are just looking to get laid while looking like they aren't looking to get laid at all, and the ladies have all the power but are making it look like they're just having a good time

The 3 guys at the bar where the joke is happening - they're so focused on what they're talking about, that everything else just drifts into the backdrop

It's just like that bar you want to go to when you want to chill, not worry about anything, but still have a good time without having to really *do* anything.. ya know

/r/AskReddit Thread