Whenever my 7 year old daughter who has Down syndrome draws a person, she signs that it's "Dad." I've saved them and put them on a canvas for Father's Day. Even though she can't speak the words, she's still able to tell her dad how much she loves him.

If it was impressive i wouldn't have to read anything about it i would just be impressed.

If it was impressive i wouldn't have to read anything about it i would just be impressed.

Your argument falls apart so fast. I can think of thousands of things for which this isn't true.

He could write down what he meant simply. Why make a terrible looking picture and then ask people to read about it?

He didn't. He made an impressive piece of art and you don't know what is impressive about it.

If you drove the most powerful car past someone who knows nothing about cars, they're not going to be impressed. You wouldn't tell a car enthusiast that it's not impressive or you'd be impressed. That would be nearly as stupid as telling them that what matters is what the car looks like.

Could you understand a thing if you looked at it a million years? Hell no you couldn't.

If you spent a million years learning to paint, learning the rules of painting, what makes a good painting good, why certain things aren't done, then yes, you probably could.

Why make a terrible looking picture and then ask people to read about it?

No one is asking you to read about it. The audience is people who know anything about painting, and you don't. If you want to be the audience, do some research.

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