Where are the 2.3/3.0 NEWS?

They haven't had a productive conversation with the community for years. Also Good job the carebear fanboys saw my post and upvoted you while downvoting me. Gotta love the stupidity.

You keep ASKING ME THE CONSUMER to tell them what they already fucking know. I want answers that aren't PR bullshit. I want assurances they'll do their damn job. I want something other than oh we forgot to follow this policy and instead of making Open play better for all we decided to ignore hundreds of cheaters. And will continue to do so because it's in our best interest to let them continue to play however the fuck they want because they pay us money.

Open ended vague questions get open ended vague answers. And the rest of us who aren't so set in our ways that we can't possibly ask the dev team without first saying please, you're our saviors, and we love you, want actual answers.

This is the same bullshit that gets peddled around by the media, and politicians everywhere. You don't want to ask the hard questions so you let them answer with vague open-ended and sometimes completely unrelated statements.

Stop asking the player base to do FDEVs fucking job. It's been years. And you still ask us to treat them like they're in beta. They aren't. They know that. And they need to get their shit together.

The streams are appallingly stupid, their answers are vague. And most of the time they're just trying to distract the large portion of ignorant players from the facts at hand. They aren't making good progress, they keep breaking more things than fixing them currently, and people like you let it continue without criticism.

Those questions are completely constructive. They demand a direct answer. They demand something other than PR spin.

You, instead of demanding answers from them, demand us to be silent in our frustrations. While you aren't in yours. It's hypocritical to the core, and stupid as hell.

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