Where are the pro leave comments?

TLDR; I'll just add this:

I'm expressing my observations of the past 10 years as being someone from a pro leave family (right wing, alcoholic, define themselves with hate, read The Daily Mail etc.)

Because of this Ive generally just ignored all the ill informed nonsense regarding the EU believing that the majority of the UK had better judgement.

I've been on this sub in the past trying 'add' to the debate by looking at things from a more global perspective and every-time I've been down voted, dismissed and ignored by people who didn't seem to be able to grasp the idea that the UK and EU do not exist in a vacuum.

Every counter argument I came across I already knew about because it's a favourite topic of conversation within my own family who get almost all their information from the tabloids.

There has been wall to wall anti EU coverage in the tabloids for at least 10 years. A one sided argument blaring out across the entire nation. Selling outrage that starts with the tabloids everyday and is then amplified by radio/TV talk shows throughout the day until everyone who has not learned block this blatant propaganda out is talking about it.

Read some of my other comments. I might respond to you more directly when I'm not on mobile and can refer back to your comment.

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