Where can I get LGBTQ+ dice sets?

Okay, I do understand your train of thought, but this is actually a false equivalent. Hear me out.

Pride (in the LGBTQ sense) is not comparable to showing your support of a strictly political movement such as the ones you named. While Pride can be, it is not exclusively so. Instead you can more compare it to someone wearing a t-shirt showing the flag of their home country. It is about a sense of community and belonging. Ultimately it is the same as wearing a band shirt or a scarf in the colours of your favourite sports club.

If you do feel uncomfortable about someone bringing Pride to the table, please give them a chance anyway. When I first found myself in that situation I was also a bit thrown off at first but I realised in no time that there was zero issue behind it, quite the opposite, it can be quite enriching and seeing your friends being happy and excited to express themselves that way is contagious. After all, who doesn't want their game to be filled with that positive energy.

Also also, don't you want your queer friends to feel welcome and accepted at your table? Showing your support that way can go a long way.

/r/DnD Thread Parent