Where can I find resources that show English words being spoken with Japanese grammar?

My list of phrases:

O(polite) Name WA(topic) what is KA(?) O-namae wa nan desu ka. What is your name?

Here NI(location of person or thing) English can speak people WA(topic) is KA(?) Koko ni eigo o hanaseru hito wa imasu ka. Does anyone here speak English?

I WA(topic) Japanese GA(sentence subject) a little only do not speak. Watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi shika hanasemasen. Unfortunately, I speak only a little Japanese.

Japanese GA(subject) like but French WA(contrasting) hate is. Nihongo ga suki demo furansugo wa kirai desu.

Something /senior citizens/ NI(location of person or thing) amazing friendly is. Nanka koureisha ni sugoi yasashii desu. I think everyone is very nice to the elderly.

Oh, /black hair/ NO(possessive) female GA(subj.) type is KA(?) A, kurokami no josei ga taipu desu ka? Oh, so brunette girls are your type?

Food and WA(topic) /as expected/, Japanese food GA(sentence subject). Tabemono toka wa yappari, washoku ga. When it comes to food, I say Japanese food (is the best).

Japan WA(topic), that, food GA(subject) delicious, isn’t it? Yes. Nihon wa, ano, tabemono ga oishii desu ne. Hai.

That? Gas /do not tell me./ あれ?ガスくさいよ What? I smell gas!

/Older sister/ also /as expected/, Japan DE(location of action) /number one/ like NA(emphasis/emotion) food WA(topic) rice? Oneisan mo yappari, nihon de ichiban suki na tabemono wa okome? I assume your most favorite Japanese food is rice? Is that right, miss?

/r/LearnJapanese Thread